Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hard days work!

This weekend was one of the hardest work weekends that our church has had in a long time. We set up our booth at the local festival. We started work at 8:00 am and had no break until the end of the day at 6:30 pm. We were on our feet all day long handing out pamflits and talking with people about our new church. Getting to know people is hard work in this kind of environment. The amount of work that went into this is enough to make anyone tired. How in the world did Jesus do it. He was surrounded by people all the time. Building relationships, giving advice, healing, by the end of the day He must have been dead tired by the time the end of the day came. It makes me feel all the more privaledged to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

relationships, guitars, and the F-Bomb

I love getting together with new people and talking about what makes them tick. Tonight I had the privallage of getting together with a guy named Casey. He's trying to learn how to play the guitar. I've been playing for about four years so I joined up with for alittle jam. I had no idea what to expect, but I was totally suprised. He's alittle ruff around the edges, but a really great guy. we're sitting there playing worship songs and this guy has no idea what he's hearing. He's in the presence of the one true God and he has no clue. He really didn't know any songs so I taught him Lord I Lift Your NAme On High and he like it. I mean this is a guy who is dropped an F-bomb alittle earlier. God is so awesome how He brings people together. The collest thing is that he wants to do it all again. I'm just dumb founded at how God works. This guy is gonna find God. I can feel it.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Goofy little kid...

Last night I went to a suprise birthday party for someone in our church. We were singing Kareoke and just having a blast. As things started to die down alittle bit this one little boy came up to me and started beating me up. Now, normally I would just tell him to knock it off and he would leave and I'd be happy, but not this time. Instead of making him feel bad for wanting to play I looked into his eyes and said, "bring it on ya little punk". His face lit up like the four of july as we tusled and screamed and laughed.
I king of think that that is the way Jesus was with little children. He loved children, but I think it went deeper than just love. I think he wanted to get down to their level and really connect with then. Even when His own desiples were telling the kids to leave Him alone Jesus said bring um on. Kids are so cool!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lets all get crazy!

God has been doing some cool things in my life the last little while. I started the day today very down and just feeling tense. I had to be at work at noon so my day was already shot, but I just couldn't shake this feeling in my gut that I was all tied up. On my way to work I started praying and asked God what was going on in me. I told Him how felt like I was bound by something and I could get out of it. I asked Him to protect me through the day and to release me from whatever had me bound. As I started the day at work I still felt this feeling, but I was pushing ahead. Nothing was going to stop me from having the best day I could have. Lunch time came around and I was tired and hungry and not in a very good mood, but as I ate I relized that I was starting to feel like I was free. I was free to move and get loose and have fun. As I went back to work in a much better mood God simply said, "you have been free all along". I was alittle taken aback by this I mean, really, I was free this whole time. Why wasn't I having fun or being me this whole time then? God said, "because your trying to be someone your not, your trying to be perfect". I was shocked that God would say such a thing. I mean, I'm supposed to be perfect right? Well, not till I get to heaven. I was trying to live the perfect life, trying to make people think I was better than I really am. That I am some super-human who does nothing wrong. No wonder I could be free in worship at church, I was worried about what the people behind me were seeing when I was worshiping. I thaught they might think I looked stupid, or I didn't look cool enough for then. Well, forget this. I'm tired of trying to be perfect. I want to be me, not some freak does everything just the way everyone wants him to do it. I'm ready to break out of this shell and find new life in Christ Jesus. I'm here to let Jesus set me, the captive, free!