Sunday, January 28, 2007

The best days of life seem to be right around your twenties don't they? Newly married, you feel nothing can touch you. Your in love with your beautiful wife and she's in love with you. But, how long do these days last? How long does a person live in this place? It seems that some people live here forever, others it seems, only have a few good months of living there. Just like Adam and Eve, sin creeps in and Eden is spouled for the rest of your life. I am continuely saddened by stories of young kids, who's parents have split up over money, or an afair, the list could go on forever. The parents do seem to suffer, but in the long run it is the kids that do the suffering. Angery at everyone and everything, they stuggle in school, loose their temper, but the number one thing they loose is loving, caring parents, who for a large scale of reasons seperate. Love is about more than feeling good all the time. Love is a choice, a choice that will change your life forever. Love died on a cross to set us free. So the next time you think about seperating from your husband or your wife, remember that Jesus could have walked away from saving the world, but He chose love, over pain.

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