Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Did You Vote in the Primary?

This morning I got up a little early and got the family around to get to the poles. I was undecided right up until I stepped into the voting booth. I'm not sure why, but it was a very difficult choice for me. I would have originally voted for Cain, but since he dropped out I have been undecided. In the end I had to go with my gut level feeling.
My wife and I were the third and four to vote in our district. It seemed to be a very low turnout. I encourage everyone to get out and vote for which ever candidate you find yourself pulled toward. The important thing is that you vote and let your voice be heard!!
If you voted today Feb. 28, 2012 let our readers know. Leave a comment a tell us that you voted. If you want you can even tell us who you voted for. Thanks for voting!!


Jessica H. said...

I am horrible, I don't know who to vote for. The person I would have voted for as well dropped out and I haven't kept up on it thus far....

Anonymous said...

I haven't voted and am not sure who I am suppose to vote for!

Sutter Home Whine said...

Vote for the person you think would be the best president out of the republican candidates. Or just close your eyes and fill in a blank spot.

Anonymous said...

I did!