Friday, March 09, 2012

Solar Flare

Yesterday as I was getting ready for the heat wave we were suppose to have from the solar blast of the sun I had an amazing thought. “What if this solar blast is Jesus coming back?” I know it sounds pretty far fetched, but the bible does say that He will come like a “thief in the night”.

I was thinking about this wonderful possibility and playing out how it would look through my minds eye. I listened to the news cast in the morning and no one else was saying “its the Apocalypse, we're all gonna die”!! No, what I heard was some lame news anchor talking about “a cloud of “magnetic material” heading toward earth. My first thought here was “a cloud coming at the earth, from the sun. Hum, that's interesting.” The sun (being a big ball of fire) shooting off a cloud toward the earth made me think of Jesus coming on the clouds. Then I also thought, the bible also says that God will destroy the earth with fire. So, “big ball of fire” launches “big cloud at earth”. Caught up? OK, good.

The news cast also stated that this “magnetic cloud” was suppose to interfere with radio signals, GPS systems, satellites, and airplane navigation systems. Hello, sounds like the possibility of some major havoc here on earth with all these systems going haywire. Sounds like a scene from “Left Behind”.

Well, needless to say, none of this stuff ever transpired. The magnetic cloud seemingly missed our little planet and didn't even mess with our radio frequencies. I wasn't really disappointed because, after all, I like living here. I mean, I have a nice house, a great family, and great friends. Why would I want to leave?

I got to thinking about that last thought the most. “I like living here.” The truth is I do. I know I shouldn't. I know that this place is full of nastiness and filth, but I guess I can look past it. My mind continued to race with all different kinds of thoughts about Jesus return and I asked myself, “why do I like living on this planet”? It really has nothing to offer me except pain and death. Everyday I'm getting older. In fact I have been dying since the day I was born. I thought about the reasons I like living here and I only came up with one answer that I could actually say that I would miss. That one thing is my family. The reason I would miss them is because I don't know if I will know them when I get to heaven. I don't know if there will be marriage in heaven or whether my son will know me. That really kind of makes me sad. Everything else in this old world could go away and I wouldn't care, but my family, that I don't think I could forget about.

So just in case we aren't going to know our wives, husbands, or children, in heaven, spend as much time as you can with them now. So that when we get to heaven, maybe, just maybe, we will all meet again, and once more be a happy family.

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