Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Funk

Over the past few weeks I have been learning so much about myself and what I have been living like. As a worship leader I felt I was one of the best I had ever experienced. I felt that I had the right to think I was the best because I worked hard to better myself in the realm of worship music. I would work feverishly to work out a new song I heard on the radio and try to get it ready to play the next week at church. I found myself isolating myself from my wife and my son so that I could prepare for church once a week.

Granted, I was very busy. I work fifty hours a week at my job and then I would spend another ten to twenty hours on music at home. I found myself more married to worship music than to my wife and my son. I would throw myself into music and work and leave my family hanging out to dry.

Today, life is much different for our family. I stepped down from the worship leader position at our former church and basically stopped playing music all together. I had to detox from the habits I had gotten myself into as a worship leader. In fact we have been away from our old church about 6 months now and I just started to pick up my guitar again. It wasn't that I don't like music. I love music. I love everything about it, but I hated what it turned my into. Music brought out the pride in my life. I feel like I am finally starting to recover and learn how to give worship totally to God.

I played one of my favorite worship songs this morning I used “I” instead of “we” in the song. For me it took on a totally new meaning. It is good for the church to sings songs as a body, but so often we lose (as I did) our individual identity in the church. I would encourage you to change up the worship songs you sing and change the words from “we” to “me” and I think it will bring the effect of the song home to your heart.

I am so thankful that I am starting to come out of the funk that I have been in. I am hoping that maybe if you are in a funk today that this blog will find a place in your heart you too will be able to step out of the funk and into the light of day again.

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