Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Crazy Life

You all may have seen the hit TLC show Jon & Kate Plus 8. Well, for the past year and a half this is what my life has felt like. In 2007 Renee and I made the choice to send me back to school. However, not just school, but also working full time. For the past year and a half I have been able to deal with the stressfulness of the work load of working full time and going to school full time. Add to the mix that we recently left one church that we helped to plant and moved to a new town with a new church and add even more to the story I am also a part time worship leader at the new church (Imagine This LLC).

Don't get me wrong I love learning and I love leading worship, but work is just one of those things that I could do without. As I have been studying the Psalms with the worship team I have found great joy in the busyness of all of this. Not because I love to be busy, but rather because I know that God is sustaining me through it.

There are some days when I want to throw in the towel on everything, but there is something that keeps saying inside me "keep going, you can do it, just a little longer". I find myself wondering what God has in store for my life. I find myself asking God on a weekly basis "is this all there is to serving you, or is there more?" and I am beginning to think there is so much more that God wants from me.

I would like to think that God finds my feeble attempts to worship Him pleasing (and I know He does), however there is another part of me that thinks "maybe I am doing it all wrong". Somewhere in the craziness of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness there is something more to live for. Maybe this is not all there is. Maybe God wants not just my praise and worship, but maybe he wants all of me; the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the light and the dark.

See I think God loves me for who I am and not who I should be. So if I come to Him in all of my brokenness He will meet me there. How awesome would it be if we could do the same for other people we come in contact with. In essence "Love them like Jesus".

So I challenge you to go out and be Jesus to someone because you may be the only Jesus they ever meet.

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