Sunday, April 19, 2009

Frankenmuth Weekend

What a wonderful weekend this has been. My wife and I are in our home away from home, Frankenmuth, MI, to enjoy a time of relaxation and fun. We usually come here once a year to get away from the mind numbing pace of normal life. Life for us has been running at the pace of the Indy 500.

Our time here usually includes shopping for the clothing that we need for the rest of the year at Burch Run’s amazing outlet mall, but we also spend time hanging out in our hotel room just relaxing. Most of our friends and family don’t understand why we put ourselves through this preserved boredom. The simplest of reasons lies behind this trip.

We have to recuperate from the demands of life. Renee and I have learn that nothing should stand between us as a married couple and that nothing should stand between God and us. However, if we do not take time for one another we will gradually move away from God simply because we have not spent time with one another.

I realize I wrote about this same thing just a few days ago, but I write about this again because it is so important.

Now I must say I love spending this time with Renee. She is an amazing woman who I rarely get to spend quality time with. I am always reminded of the reasons why I chose to love Renee. In the setting that we are in we can relax and focus on one another with the time like we used to when we were dating.

So I need everyone to know that if you are having relationship problems with your spouse or God, simply do what Jesus did in the bible and get away from the business of life to pray and relax with the ones you love. Remember Jesus would get away with his disciples and then He would go off on His own for a while to get reacquainted with His Father.

We need to do the same. Take time to spend quality time with the ones you love and with God.

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